The Goat Mother

Legacy Goats

Annie – Was our first goat and at this point, in 2022, everyone in our herd, with the exception of Nutmeg, is related to her. She was an experimental Nubian, Nigerian Dwarf cross and has attributes of both varieties. We milked her for 6 years and then we returned her to the farm that she was born on for a semi retirement.

Stella – is Comet’s daughter with a beautiful Oberhasli buck.  She has a beautiful disposition and an unusually soft coat.  She was also an excellent milker. We found her bloated and dead in the field on a hot day in June. We are unsure why she went, she was in good health otherwise and the field was in good shape.
1/2 Oberhasli, >1/4 Nubian, 1/8 Alpine, 1/16 Nigerian Dwarf

Mancha – is Stella’s twin.  These two girls were some of the mildest tempered, cuddliest kids we’ve ever had.  Of the two, Mancha has a slightly spicier temperament. Mancha moved on to a new home in 2021. We have kept her daughters Spring and Marsha.
1/2 Oberhasli, >1/4 Nubian, 1/8 Alpine, 1/16 Nigerian Dwarf

Cola – is Spring’s daughter.  She inherited her mother’s loud mouth, but she settles right down when scratched under the chin. Her daughter Heidi remains with us and we are also keeping her granddaughter Aries. She has moved on to a new home.
5/8 Nubian, 1/4 Nigerian Dwarf, 1/8 La Mancha

Star– is Annie’s daughter with Marcellus and was born in 2020. She is a smaller sized doe but had a huge kid and has been a great mother. She also stands well for milking and produces good for her size. She moved on to a new home. Her daughter Persephone remains in the herd.
She is 75% Nubian, 25% Nigerian Dwarf.