For Sale
All of our goats are disbudded and trained to an electric net and 4 wire fence. They are given copper bolus and herbal wormers to promote good health. We rarely give conventional medicine to our herd and will happily disclose when that has been the case. This year’s boys can be wethered or left intact. We also have a number of does for sale and does with daughters. Some are mature and in milk, some have never been bred. We will provide stud service for our open does if that is desirable and the season is right. Goats are usually picked up on our farm, close to Lafayette, in Macon County, TN. We have also met buyers at other convenient locations. Our goats are very family oriented and we have preference for people who buy two together. Please contact us to inquire about the goats.
2023 Buck

Sly – is Europa’s son with Sampson and was born on April 22, 2023. He is a only child. He is an attractive buck with a butterscotch tan coat with white speckled ears. His mother is an excellent milker and a wonderful dam, and he carries his sire’s good looks and heavy frame.. He is laid back and cooperative when being handled. We kept him last year as a companion to Sampson, our herd sire. He is definatey ready for his own herd.
He is 81.25% Nubian with some Nigerian Dwarf in there.
2024 Bucklings

Falstaff – is Aries’s son with Sampson and was born on March 26, 2024. He is a one of twins. He is an attractive buck with a butterscotch tan coat with white speckled ears. His mother is an excellent milker and a wonderful dam, and he carries his sire’s good looks and heavy frame..
He is 95.3% Nubian..

Mac – is Marcia’s son with Sampson and was born on March 28, 2024. He is a only child. He is an attractive buck with long ears!
He is 81.25% Nubian.

Romeo – is Poseiden’s son with Sampson and was born on March 20, 2024. He is a one of twins. He is an attractive buck with a light coat, interesting face markings and white speckled ears.
He is 82.8% Nubian.

Stephano – is Spring’s son with Sampson and was born on March 31, 2024. He is a one of triples. He is an attractive buck with a butterscotch tan coat with white speckled ears.
He is 75% Nubian and 25% Nigerian Dwarf. He comes from a smaller line in our herd and will probably never be as large as full Nubian – perfect for a mini-Nubian herd.

Trinculo – is Spring’s son with Sampson and was born on March 31, 2024. He is a one of triples. He is an attractive buck with a butterscotch tan coat with white speckled ears.
He is 75% Nubian and 25% Nigerian Dwarf.

SOLD – William – is Persephone’s son with Sampson and was born on May 3, 2024. He is a only child. He is an attractive buck with a brown coat and good looking white ears and trim.
He is 93.8% Nubian.
2022 Does with Daughters
They are available only together as pairs. All of the three mothers below are first fresheners.
These girls can go now, or we can take a deposit on these and sell them once they are bred again. Will not breed the babies.
Pair 1

Molly – is Stella’s daughter with Sampson and was born on April 9, 2022.
Molly is an extremely affectionate and sweet-natured goat, and a wonderful mother, if a bit of a worrier. No problem kidding and loves to be milked. Her daughter is beautiful and has an especially soft coat.
She is 63.6% Nubian with most of the rest being Oberhasli.

Leta – is Molly’s daughter with Sampson and was born on April 26, 2023.
She is 82.8% Nubian.
Pair 2

Prudence – is Persepnone’s daughter with Sampson and was born on May 5, 2022.
Prudence is almost fully Nubian, but holds some petite ND qualities in her line. She is petite and will not grow to be as large a full sized nubian. Had no trouble kidding and has been an excellent mother. Trained to the stanchion and stands easily.

Miranda – is Prudence’s daughter with Sampson and was born on April 25, 2023.
She is 96.9% Nubian and qualifies as an American Nubian.
Pair 3

Ginger – is Spring’s daughter with Sampson and was born on April 9, 2022.
Ginger has qualities of both Nubian and ND – not as tall as a Nubian, but quite stout. Her daughter has tremendous long ears and a strong frame as well. Ginger took some work to get adjusted to milking, but we’ve come a long way and she will be a great milking mom for years to come.
She is 75% Nubian.

Titania – is Nutmeg’s daughter with Sampson and was born on April ??, 2023.
She is 87.5% Nubian.
2023 Maiden Doeling Pairs
Pairs 1 Lucille and Koko

Lucille – is Nutmeg’s daughter with Sampson and was born on April 8, 2023. Lucille would love to be a herd queen. She knows she deserves all the love.
She is a pure breed Nubian and could be registered.

Koko – is Europa’s daughter with Sampson and was born on April 15, 2023. Her mother is one of our best grass-fed girls – she has a great rumen. Koko seems to be taking after her. She also has a very sweet disposition.
She is 83.3% Nubian with most of the rest being Oberhasli.
Pairs 2 Mavis and Diana

Mavis – is Spring’s daughter with Sampson and was born on April 18, 2023. Mavis and Diana are full sisters. This is an awful picture of Mavis – she’s much more fun in person. She is a little shy, but is a great character once she warms up to you.
He is 75% Nubian and 25% Nigerian Dwarf.

Diana – is Spring’s daughter with Sampson and was born on April 18, 2023. These two girls have traits of both ND and Nubian – though Diana is more Nubian-like. Their dam was a very hearty girl and an excellent grazer.
He is 75% Nubian and 25% Nigerian Dwarf.