About Us

It began with our daughter’s love of horses. Like so many children, she longed for a horse. I mean she really pined for a horse, daily. We did not have room, right then, for horses, but we worked out a compromise. We decided to try goats.
I had no idea how much we would enjoy our goats. There’s not a day that they don’t make me laugh. Some days they almost make me cry too, but isn’t that to be expected in any good love story?
Sometimes I think that the reasons I am so endeared to goats is that they embody many of humanity’s most challenging traits. They are stubborn, curious, often avaricious, and expressive. Everyone has heard the run of the mill stories about goats that get out of their fences, goats that eat weird stuff, goats that butt people with their great big horns, and goats that make funny noises. What people don’t talk about is how wonderful, hilarious, curious, and determined creatures goats can be, and how completely delicious fresh, grass-fed goat milk and cheese is.

We are a simple, off-grid homestead. Our power comes from the sun, and our water from the rain. Goats, though persnickety in so many ways, are hardy creatures. They don’t demand a lot of water and are satisfied with a roof over their heads to keep off the rain. They produce some milk, but not so much as to overwhelm our fridge. They will eat weeds and flowers, tree bark and brambles. They trust us to bring them to fresh pasture, and as long as we keep up our end of the bargain and move the fence each day, they gladly follow us to to graze and respect the fence.
When we aren’t tending to the goats, we keep busy with a few other things. We are yoga instructors, home schoolers, independent contractors, and totally unhinged organic gardeners.